7 Classic Smooth Hydrangea Varieties -  White/Green Mophead
7 Classic Smooth Hydrangea Varieties - White/Green Mophead
Hydrangea has always been a popular flowering shrub in gardening. The United States has five common hydrangea varieties: smooth, bigleaf, panicle, oakleaf, and mountain.
Each type of hydrangea requires unique care. Smooth hydrangea belongs to the kind that is relatively easy to grow, care, and prune.
We have collected seven different smooth hydrangea of white mophead inflorescences. These beautiful flowers can add luster to your garden.

1. Annabelle

Annabelle has always been dominant in the white mophead smooth hydrangea. It's almost a perfect variety. Annabelle Hydrangea got a score of 4.0 from the Mt. Cuba Center.
The blooming period of Annabelle is from late June to mid-July. Its flower head size can reach 7.5 inches. Annabelle can grow up to 4.5 feet high and 6.5 feet wide in full sun. However, its stem lacks toughness, and the large flower head will make the stem lodge.
Annabelle, the photo is from Mt. Cuba Center.
Annabelle, the photo is from Mt. Cuba Center.

2. Incrediball Abetwo

Incrediball has not only pink flowers but also white flowers. Mt. Cuba Center rated Incrediball Abetwo with white flowers as the best-performing hydrangea arborescens.
The most striking feature of Incrediball Abetwo is its large spherical mophead inflorescence. The flower head can reach up to 7 inches in diameter. Its flower head is almost as big as that of Annabelle. Its blooming period is from late June to mid-July.
Incrediball Abetwo stems are more robust than Annabelle's, and the stems have almost no bending or breaking. It can grow 5.5 feet tall and 7.5 wide. Generally, we need to partially shade it at noon in summer so that it can become more lush.
Incrediball Abetwo, the photo is from Mt. Cuba Center.
Incrediball Abetwo, the photo is from Mt. Cuba Center.

3. Invincibelle Limetta

The shape of the flower head of Invincibelle Limetta is mophead, and the diameter will reach 5.5 inches. The color of flowers will change with time. At first, the color of the flower is lime green, and when it matures, it becomes pure white. Its blooming period is from the end of June to early July.
This is a compact hydrangea fit for gardens with limited space. It can grow 3 feet tall and wide; the stem is stout. Unlike Invincibelle Spirit II, Invincibelle Limetta is fast growing in partial shade. Especially in summer, when the full sun meets, its flowers wither quickly.
Invincibelle Limetta, the photo is from Mt. Cuba Center.
Invincibelle Limetta, the photo is from Mt. Cuba Center.

4. Invincibelle Wee White

Invincibelle Wee White is the sturdiest compact hydrangea of all smooth hydrangea. It is only 2 feet in height and 3 feet in width. Its stout stem can support a large flower head with a diameter of 9 inches. The new flowers are pink-white, white when they mature, and ivory when flowers fade.
Moreover, Invincibelle Wee White is the variety with the fastest reblooming rate of smooth hydrangea. Its blooming period is from mid-June to early July. Its flower head has two kinds: mophead and lacecap.
Like Invincibelle Limetta, it needs partial shade in summer, especially at mid-summer noon. Otherwise, the hot sun will scorch its flowers.
Invincibelle Wee White, the photo is from Mt. Cuba Center.
Invincibelle Wee White, the photo is from Mt. Cuba Center.

5. Lime Rickey

Lime Rickey is the product of crossing Hydrangea radiata and Hydrangea arborescens 'Pink Pincushion.'
The most unique feature of the Lime Rickey plant is the ever-changing color of the mophead flower. Its blooming period is from mid-June to early July. At the beginning of June, the flowers are light green and turn pink by the end of the month. As the flower grows, its color will gradually change to light green again.
Its height can reach 6 feet, and its width can reach 8.5 feet. Whether it's full sun or partial shade, Lime Rickey can thrive. Pruning in late winter or early spring (before flower buds grow) can prevent overgrowth.
Lime Rickey, the photo is from Mt. Cuba Center.
Lime Rickey, the photo is from Mt. Cuba Center.

6. Ryan Gainey

If you prefer green leaves, then Ryan Gainey is a good choice. Its dark green leaves are pretty. Its flower head is smaller than Annabelle's, and its diameter is only 5 inches. Its stem is very stout, so it does not lodge.
The blooming period of Ryan Gainey is from the end of June to early July. It can reach 6 feet in height and 8.5 feet in width.
Ryan Gainey, the photo is from Mt. Cuba Center.
Ryan Gainey, the photo is from Mt. Cuba Center.

7. Seaside Serenade Bar Harbor

Seaside Serenade Bar Harbor is a compact Annabelle, but it continues the huge flower head of Annabelle. Its mophead flower grows on rather stout stems, which can remain upright even if it rains heavily. Its leaves are darker than Annabelle's. It can grow to 4 feet tall, 4 feet wide.
Seaside Serenade Bar Harbor, the photo is from MONROVIA.
Seaside Serenade Bar Harbor, the photo is from MONROVIA.
  • Huang, Xiaoxu et al. “Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' Flower Formation and Flowering in the Current Year.” Plants (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 12,24 4103. 7 Dec. 2023, doi:10.3390/plants12244103

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My name is Arthur Mo. I am a gardener who loves gardening so much. I graduated from Ocean University of China. After I returned to Japan, I began to learn how to cultivate hydrangeas and daisies. Mr. Mitsuhiro (my master) taught me to sow, cut, fertilize, and manage diseases and pests. For nine years, I have been sharpening my planting skills. In 2022, my family and I moved to Florida. The warm climate of Florida gives me the impulse to continue cultivating hydrangeas and daisies. I began my gardening trip in my backyard and unswervingly contributed my efforts to these plants. I love these plants deeply, and at the same time, I thank my family, my master, and my friends for their understanding and support.

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